Statistical Supplement

In an effort to provide better Statistical information to the public, the Arkansas Judiciary’s Statistical Summary to the Annual Report is now available in a more interactive format. Utilizing the data visualization software Tableau, the Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Research and Justice Statistics has created a summary dashboard that provides greater flexibility in viewing court data.

Users can select the issue area (civil, criminal, domestic, juvenile, or probate), the judicial circuit and/or county, and the start date and end date for the summary to display. If the user is looking for information on a particular criminal charge, there is an option for entering a charge code. There are also options to download the summarized data into a PDF or Image, email, and even share on social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook.

For inquiries contact the Research Analyst, Joe Beard at or call (501) 410-1933.

View the Arkansas Judiciary’s Statistical Summary to the Annual Report


Report Type

Use this drop-down menu to choose how the data in the dashboard is measured.

By Case: All of Civil, Domestic and Probate are measured By Case.

By Charge: Only used in Criminal and Juvenile Delinquency, this option changes the unit of measure to the number of individual charges on a case.

NOTE: Criminal and Juvenile Delinquency can also be measured By Case if the user would like to omit to have the charges be measured individually.

Issue Area

Use this drop-down menu to choose the area of interest, Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations, Juvenile or Probate. To include all of these, choose All.

Start Date & End Date

This allows the user to enter the date range they would like the data measured by.

NOTE: The end date cannot be set beyond the end of the previous year.


Use this drop-down menu to choose the Judicial Circuit. For reference, a map of the Judicial Circuits can be seen here:


If the user needs a more specific level of measure and is only interested in one counties statistics, use this menu to filter the data to include just the county.

Charge Code

If the user needs a more specific level of measure and is only interested in one or a series of statutes in the Arkansas Criminal Code, use this menu to filter the data to include just those codes.

NOTE: In order to use this option Report Type must be set to By Charge.

1. Type in the code and press enter.

2. A listing of that code and its subsections will appear.

3. Check the box to include the codes.

Download, Share & Print

If the user would like to download the workbook:

1. Click on the Download Workbook link in the top right corner of the dashboard.

2. A dialog box will open to confirm the download of a Tableau .twbx file.

NOTE: the user must have a license or trial version of Tableau Desktop to access the file.

If the user would like to download a PDF of the summarized data:

1. Click the Download link in the bottom right corner of the dashboard and choose PDF.

2. Download PDF dialog box will open and choose the following options.

a. Layout = Portrait

b. Content = Sheets in Dashboard

c. Sheets to Download = Summary Report & State Map

If the user would like to Share the dashboard for others to view:

1. Click the Share link in the bottom right corner of the dashboard.

2. The options include:

a. Embed Code

b. Link

c. Email

d. Twitter

e. Facebook