Arkansas Judicial Council

Information about Arkansas Judicial Council

Arkansas Judicial Council consists of all judges of the state circuit courts, judges of the Arkansas Court of Appeals, justices of the Arkansas Supreme Court, retired justices and judges of those courts, and the Director of the Arkansas Administrative Office of the Courts.  The Council acts as the official body representing the state's judiciary.

The Council was organized "to foster and preserve the integrity, dignity, and independence of the judiciary; to promote uniformity and dispatch in judicial administration; to develop, implement and maintain a program of judicial education preassisting members newly elected or appointed to the bench; to provide continuing legal education for members accommodating the diverse needs of chancellors, circuit judges and appellate justices; and to select member to the Judicial Retirement board."

The Council has statutory responsibilities which include making recommendations to the General Assembly on judicial redistricting and the addition of new judgeships in the state; and appointment of the five members of the Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Judicial Retirement System. Ark. Code Ann. section 16-10-501 ("Development of criteria for new judgeships or redistricting"); Ark. Code Ann. section 24-8-203 ("Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Judicial Retirement System"). Formal business of the Council is conducted in spring and fall meetings each year.


2024-2025 Officers
Officer Name Phone Fax

Hon. David McCormick, President
Circuit Judge
108 Union Street,
Dardanelle, AR 72834

(479) 229-3580 (479) 229-1095
Hon. Ken Coker, Immediate Past-President
Circuit Judge
100 W. Main Street
Russellville, AR 72801
(501) 340-5620 (501) 340-5657
Hon. Craig Hannah, President-Elect
Circuit Judge
300 Spruce Street
Searcy, AR 72143
(501) 279-6221 (501) 279-6224
Marty Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer
AOC Director
625 Marshall Street
Little Rock, AR  72201
501-682-9400 501-682-9410


2024-2025 Board of Directors
Name Phone Fax Term Expires

Hon. Johnnie Copeland
Circuit Judge
301 East 6th Street, Ste 150
Mountain Home, AR 72653

(870) 701-0257 (870) 701-0258 October 2027

Hon. Susan Weaver
Circuit Judge
801 Locust Street
Conway, AR 72034

(501) 450-4904 (501) 450-4977 October 2027

Hon. Brent Houston
Circuit Judge
200 North Main Street
Benton, AR 72015

(501) 303-5628 (501) 303-5629 October 2027

Hon. Robert Gladwin
Court of Appeals
625 Marshall Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 682-7474 (501) 682-7494 October 2025

Hon. Tonya Alexander
Circuit Judge
101 Center Street
Marion, AR 72364

(870) 739-8606 (870) 739-8683 October 2025

Hon. Chalk Mitchell
Circuit Judge
P.O. Box 177
Helena, AR 72342

(870) 338-5522 (870) 338-5595 October 2026

Hon. Blake Batson
Circuit Judge
P.O. Box 966
Arkadelphia, AR 71923

(870) 246-8218 (870) 246-9378 October 2026

Hon. Troy Braswell
Circuit Judge
801 Locust Street
Conway, AR 72034

(501) 450-4931 (501) 329-4934 October 2026

Associate Justice Shawn Womack
Supreme Court
625 Marshall Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 682-6861 (501) 683-4006  
Hon. Brandon Harrison
Court of Appeals
625 Marshall Street
Little Rock, AR  72201
(501) 682-7983 (501) 682-7494