The Commission currently has three Committees to address specific issues related to juvenile courts. The Committees consist of Commission members and other valuable stakeholders with relevant expertise.
Data Committee
The goal of the Data Committee is to ensure that all involved in the justice system are entering the data necessary for monitoring quality control to help all stakeholders to make evidence-based decisions.
Juvenile Officer Staffing Committee
The goal of the Juvenile Officer Staffing Committee is for each judicial district have educated, experienced, and fairly-compensated staff in sufficient numbers to follow established protocols, conduct validated assessments, and provide quality juvenile services to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for juveniles.
Community Resources Committee
The goal of the Community Resources Committee is for each judicial district to have sufficient evidence-based community services available to provide juveniles who enter the court system the services indicated by the validated assessment available in their communities, and to ensure sufficient funding so that the providers can offer evidence-based services tailored to each judicial district’s needs.