Alternative Dispute Resolution CME/CLE Webinar

Supporting Emotional Intelligence in Divorce

June 8, 2023 10:00 am -11:30 am

Registration Opens: May 18, 2023

Registration Closes: June 1, 2023

EI is a way of understanding and organizing how well we know ourselves and relate to others. Emotionally intelligent people get along well with others, can stay focused, and can manage their interactions with others well. These people are easier to work with, they are forward thinkers, they are better collaborators, and they are well liked. Oftentimes, people in the midst of a divorce display their worst behaviors. But, it is imperative that we help divorcing couples develop their own EI and that they understand the importance of helping their children develop EI. It is the only way to have strong, healthy relationships. In fact, parents with low emotional intelligence don't know how to identify their own emotions or the emotions of their children; they can't manage and control their emotions and they don't teach their children how to control and manage their emotions; and because they don't understand emotions, they give the wrong message to their children creating individuals with low emotional intelligence. 


Cynthia F. Greer, Ed.D., MDR., M.Ed., has her own mediation practice, Greer Dispute Resolution Services, specializing in high profile divorces, employment related matters, and educational issues. She is an adjunct professor at Lipscomb University's Institute for Conflict Management, and she taught at Pepperdine University School of Law's Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution from 1988 until 2015.

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