Drugs in Arkansas: What Every Judge and Attorney Needs To Know - Conference
Conference Education:
Keynote Speaker: Carl Dawson
Education: The conference offers 10 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE).
Topics Include:
Keynote Speaker: Carl Dawson
Education: The conference offers 10 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE).
Topics Include:
The conference offers 12 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and Continuing Education Units (CEU).
Keynote Speaker: To Be Announced!
Topics Include:
The conference offers 12 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and Continuing Education Units (CEU).
Keynote Speaker: To Be Announced!
Topics Include:
Keynote Speaker: Vanessa Price
Education: The conference offers 12 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and Continuing Education Units (CEU).
Topics Include:
Keynote Speaker: Vanessa Price
Education: The conference offers 12 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and Continuing Education Units (CEU).
Topics Include:
Course Description: Roles and Responsibilities of the Specialty Court Judge.
I. Professional Training
II. Length of Term
III. Consistent Docket
IV. Participation in Pre-Court Staff Meetings
V. Frequency of Status Hearings
VI. Judicial Demeanor
VII. Judicial Decision Making
Registration opens September 1, 2020!
Course Description: Review NADCP's Best-Practice Standards, Volume II
VI. Complementary Treatment and Social Services
VII. Drug and Alcohol Testing
VIII. Multidisciplinary Team
IX. Census and Caseloads
X. Monitoring and Evaluation
Registration will open September 1, 2020!
Course Description: Review NADCP's Best-Practice Standards, Volume I
I. Target Population
II. Equity and Inclusion
III. Roles and Responsibilities of the Judge
IV. Incentives, Sanctions, and Therapeutic Adjustments
V. Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Registration will open September 1, 2020!
Course Description: Racial disparities in drug and other treatment courts continues to be a challenge as it relates to access, engagement, retention, service delivery and other areas. Courts struggle to address the issue of disparities, and many don’t recognize they exist.