Initially begun as a judicial education project, the Arkansas Certified Court Manager Program is being opened to broader constituencies every year. The Arkansas certification program is part of the Court Management Program (CMP) available through the National Center for State Courts’ Institute for Court Management. This program provides training specific to trial court management and administration. Participants who successfully complete the program receive a nationally recognized certification as a Certified Court Manager.
The Arkansas Administrative Office of the Courts is one of seven states participating in a program to update and enhance the Court Management Program. Arkansas’ first graduation ceremony for its CMP class was held August 26, 2011. It was presided over by the Chief Justice and streamed live from the Arkansas Supreme Courtroom.
Program Content:
Six courses, all consisting of 2 ½ day seminars taught by certified Arkansas and National Faculty:
- Accountability & Court Performance
- Budget & Fiscal Management
- Caseflow & Workflow Management
- Project Management for Courts
- Purposes & Responsibilities of Courts
- Workforce Management
Length and Format of the Courses:
- Students in each class take two courses per year for three years
- All courses are held in Little Rock to limit travel time and expenses
Program Cost to the Local Courts:
$150.00 tuition fee for each course. AOC does not reimburse for travel, lodging, and evening meal.