Arkansas Bar Examination


Rules Governing Admission to the Bar

Arkansas Bar Examination Requirements

Note:  With the permission of the NCBE, the Arkansas State Board of Law Examiners provides an electronic copy of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the  Multistate Performance Test (MPT) questions and "top examination papers" to the Arkansas Supreme Court Library, the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Young Law Library, and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock/Pulaski County Law Library, for public use.

Questions and Best Answers

DISCLAIMER:  Rule III(t) of the Arkansas Rules Governing Admission to the Bar provides:  "The top examination paper in each subject shall be available for review in the Office of the Supreme Court Library and the libraries of any American Bar Association accredited law school in Arkansas, but the name of the author shall not be disclosed."  In compliance with this rule the Arkansas State Board of Law Examiners is releasing these papers.  Members of the Board note that many papers may have significant deficiencies in styles, draftsmanship and organization.  Indeed, some may fail to recognize issues and may have reached erroneous legal conclusions.  Those who review these papers are cautioned that numerous elements enter into the determination of the "top paper" including the perceived writing, analytical and reasoning ability as well as knowledge of the law.  These papers are not perfect papers but are examples of the better papers.  They should be used merely as one of many guidelines in preparing for the examination.  With few exceptions, the transcribed copy of any hand written answer appears exactly as it was written.  This includes spelling errors, grammatical errors, as well as the format.

Effective with the February 2012 Bar exam, the National Conference of Bar Examiners now allows the posting of questions and best answers to our website.  If you are interested in any questions and answers prior to that, please visit the Supreme Court Library or one of the Arkansas Law School Libraries.  The Questions are copyrighted by the NCBE and are being reprinted with the permission of the NCBE.  For personal use only.  May not be reproduced or distributed in any way.