Distance Learning Providers


Organization Name Phone Web
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (202) 502-1775 uscourts.gov
American Bar Association 1-800-285-2221 abanet.org
American Law Institute (ALI) (800) CLE-NEWS ali-cle.org
Arkansas Bar Association (501) 375-4606 arkbar.com
Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association (501) 376-2852 arktla.org
Attorneys Liability Assurance Society (312) 697-7020 alas.com
Barristers Education Services 1-800-874-8556 barristerscle.com
Bureau of Legislative Research (501) 537-9125 arkleg.state.ar.us/Bureau
Defense Research Institute (DRI) (312) 795-1101 dri.org
District of Columbia Bar (202) 626-3488 dcbar.org
LAWLINE (218) 278-3570 lawline.com
LexisNexis (877) 412-3886 lexisnexis.com
Lorman Educational Services & Noggin Guru, Inc. (715) 833-3940 lorman.com
MyLawCLE (877) 406-8636 mylawcle.com
National Academy of Continuing Legal Education (212) 776-4943 nacle.com
National Association of Attorneys General (540) 641-3541 naag.org/
National Business Institute (855) 855-6240 nbi-sems.com
Practising Law Institute 800-260-4PLI pli.edu
Quimbee CLE (701) 203-3279 quimbee.com
SproutED Next Generation CLE (423) 432-4282 sprouteducation.com
Strafford Publications 1-800-926-7926 ext 2 staffordpub.com
The Judge Advocate Generals Legal Center & School, US Army (434) 971-3309 tjaglcs.army.mil
TRTCLE 1-800-672-6253
Tyson Foods (479) 290-4709
West LegalEd Center a CeriFi Company (844) 245-5975 westlegaledcenter.com